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determine the best approach to your project.
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Mark Kluger

Lauren Soos

David Fleming

Greg Katski
If you would prefer to contact us via email, please direct your message to our Business Development team at
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Employee-owner Testimonials

“It’s a great company. I’m ecstatic and I look forward to going to work every day. Not
everyone can say that.”

“I get to work with numerous hard-working and intelligent people who are passionate about their work.”

“From the very beginning, my experience at TRS has been amazing. For the universe
guiding me into this field and company, I am thankful. It’s truly a blessing.”

“I really believe that TRS is a family. We treat each other with respect and kindness and help each other succeed. I’m really thankful that that’s the case.”

“Our technologies can clean contaminants in a very short period. That’s pretty amazing that we can get in and get out in a year. Environmental work is typically so slow, so it’s remarkable that we can get in and get out that quick.”

“By doing this work, we’re going around and pulling thousands of pounds of dangerous chemicals from drinking water and soil that are ultimately getting people sick. That’s the satisfying part of the job – knowing that I’m making a big difference.”

“Honestly, I didn’t know anything about this field prior to starting with TRS. I learn
something new every day and I’m excited to come to work.”

“I feel like it’s a great company with a lot of great people. I’ve been a lot of places and done a lot of things and feel like with this
company, it’s definitely a special place.”