As efforts concerning the containment of COVID-19 evolve in the United States and globally, TRS Group wants to assure you that we are focused on three things:
• Ensuring the safety of our project site operations and our employees
• Continuing to provide exceptional service to our customers
• Supporting efforts to limit the spread and impact of COVID-19
We are maintaining our normal operations for the time being; however, we are closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary precautions to protect our employees and clients. We are proactively communicating with our employees about measures everyone can take, including good hygiene and self-awareness. As a good portion of our staff is required to travel to maintain site operations, we are continuously monitoring and evaluating travel restrictions and implementing alternative strategies to allow our employees to remain safe while supporting our customers.
We understand this is a very fluid situation. We will take actions when appropriate to best support the interests of our employees and clients. We will regularly communicate with you and keep you updated as the situation evolves.
Best Regards,
Bretton E. Trowbridge
CEO and President
TRS Group, Inc.