Bringing the Heat Employee Spotlights R&D By Greg KatskiPosted May 10, 2022Tags: bioengineering, bioremediation, Department of Defense, development, emerging contaminants, Emory University, engineer, ESTCP, Georgia Tech, PFAS, R&D, research, research and development, Seattle, thermal remediation, University of Washington Emily Crownover: Managing Principal Engineer
Bringing the Heat ERH TRS Group By Greg KatskiPosted April 4, 2022Tags: bacterial reductive dechlorination, bioremediation, chlorinated volatile organic compounds, CVOCs, Electrical Resistance Heating, Elizabeth Bishop, enhanced in-situ bioremediation, enhanced reductive dechlorination, ERD, ERH, Haley & Aldrich, in-situ chemical oxidation, ISCO, MNA, monitored natural attenuation, PCE, tetrachloroethylene Thermally Enhanced Bioremediation