Bringing the Heat ERH R&D TRS Group By Gorm HeronPosted August 24, 2023Tags: chlorinated solvents, chlorinated volatile organic compounds, CVOC, CVOCs, Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, PCE, PCUs, power control units, TCE, TCH, tetrachloroethene, Thermal Conduction Heating, trichloroethene TRS Excels at CVOC Sites with Low Cost, Sustainable Solutions
Bringing the Heat By Gorm HeronPosted April 18, 2023Tags: Eielson, Eielson AFB, Eielson Air Force Base, PFAS, pfas in soil, TCH, Thermal Conduction Heating Treating PFAS-impacted Soils Sustainably at a Reduced Cost
Bringing the Heat Employee Spotlights ERH R&D TCH By Greg KatskiPosted February 10, 2023Tags: Chris Thomas, Electrical Resistance Heating, Emily Crownover, engineer, environmental engineer, environmental remediation, ERH, florida, managing principal engineer, optimization, Patent, process optimization, tampa bay, TCH, Thermal Conduction Heating Eric Maki: Managing Principal Engineer
Bringing the Heat ERH PFAS R&D TCH TRS Group By Greg KatskiPosted June 16, 2022Tags: climate, Electrical Resistance Heating, energy efficiency, ERH, excavation, ISTR, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS, pump and treat, sustainability, SVE, TCH, thermal, Thermal Conduction Heating, toxicity Constant Improvement Makes TRS Group More Sustainable
Bringing the Heat Guarantee HeatWave Model R&D TRS Group By Greg KatskiPosted April 13, 2022Tags: Electrical Resistance Heating, ERH, guarantees, HeatWave, SEE, steam enhanced extraction, TCH, Thermal Conduction Heating, Washington State University Calibrating Thermal Remediation Models